1090 Kamato Rd, Unit# 18-19 Mississauga, ON L4W 2P3
Thai Seafood Hot Pot— Thai Cuisine
Where you can have Lunch with your family and Friends— Vietnamese Cuisine
Breadfruit shrimp and pork salad served with sesame cracers— Vietnamese Cuisine
Pan fried pork & snails pancake with betel leaf— Vietnamese Cuisine
Breafruit shrimp & pork salad served with sesame crackers
— Vietnamese Cuisine
Fish Ceviche
Party Trays
Vietnamese Vermicelli tamarind
Vermicelli with BBQ Pork, Chicken & Spring Roll
Stire-Fried Noodles
Breadfruid Shrimp, Pork with sesame cracker
Deep Fried Banana
Vietnamese Ice Coffee with cream